Landscape Paintings in Oil and Pastel

Paintings Tagged: pond (6 paintings)

View paintings by Tag: landscape colorful Colorado trees pastel mountains grasses Available Pastel plein air green oil field Fall blue graphic Summer gold abstract painting knife long shadows water shadows Aspen purples trail river rocks orange clouds New Mexico Spring GTMD Plein Air Festival lake reflections Available Oil snow flowers red weather The Sol Shine Gallery pink Music winter Evergreen fence chamissa Western Spirit pond sunset lavender apple blossoms October 12th Series lighting architectural acrylic cactus PSC Signature Show 2017 Arizona collage butterfly Dubstep barn Jeffco Plein Air watercolor Still Life ink Delta Blues Talking Heads ice 120 for $120 Chama River storm bridge bees papayas nocturne Available guitar solos© 2015 Jeannette Stutzman